Page:The Woman Socialist - Snowden - 1907.djvu/33

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The Woman Socialist

The Socialist woman-citizen of the future will find strange reading in the accounts of to-day’s struggle for the political emancipation of women. To her these times will have much the same character as the dark ages have to us. Picture them, the woman and the man, in their simple, beautiful home, lovely children at their knees:—

“Self-reverent each, and reverencing each;
Distinct in individualities,
Yet like each other even as those who love;”

discussing with intelligence and in sweet seriousness the grave political and social problems of their times; coming by their discussion each to a satisfactory conclusion, sometimes the same, sometimes different; and then proceeding, side by side, to record their respective opinions at the ballot-box in perfect peace and amity.

We have a long distance to travel ere that goal is reached; but it must be travelled, and it will be reached as soon as a sufficient number of women have been brought to a clear understanding of the true cause of their enslavement, and a determination to endure no longer their condition of political outlawry.