Page:The Wonderful Visit.djvu/156

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Mrs. Jehoram's Breadth of View.


"I heard some one playing the fiddle in the Vicarage, as I came by," said Mrs. Jehoram, taking her cup of tea from Mrs. Mendham.

"The Vicar plays," said Mrs. Mendham. "I have spoken to George about it, but it's no good. I do not think a Vicar should be allowed to do such things. It's so foreign. But there, he …"

"I know, dear," said Mrs. Jehoram. "But I heard the Vicar once at the schoolroom. I don't think this was the Vicar. It was quite clever, some of it, quite smart, you know. And new. I was telling dear Lady Hammergallow this morning. I fancy—"

"The lunatic! Very likely. These half-witted people … My dear, I don't think I shall ever forget that dreadful encounter. Yesterday."

"Nor I."