Page:The Wonderful Visit.djvu/238

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and he will misunderstand everybody. However, I suppose it must be. Where was I?")

"1 Toothbrush. 1 Brush and Comb. Razor?

" ½ doz. Shirts (? measure his neck), 6s ea.

"Socks? Pants?

"2 suits Pyjamas. Price? Say 15s.

"1 doz. Collars ('The Life Guardsman'), 8s.

"Braces. Oxon Patent Versatile, 1s 11½d." ("But how will he get them on?" said the Vicar.)

"1 Rubber Stamp, T. Angel, and Marking Ink in box complete, 9d.

"Those washerwomen are certain to steal all his things."

"1 Single-blade Penknife with Corkscrew, say 1s6d.

"N.B.—Don't forget Cuff Links, Collar Stud, &c." (The Vicar loved "&c.", it gave things such a precise and business-like air.)

"1 Leather Portmanteau (had better see these)."

And so forth—meanderingly. It kept the Vicar busy until lunch time, though his heart ached.

The Angel did not return to lunch. This was not so very remarkable—once before he had missed the midday meal. Yet, considering how