Page:The Working and Management of an English Railway.djvu/39

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The Staff.

The staff employed by the London and North-Western Railway Company (exclusive of the staff engaged upon lines owned jointly by the North-Western and other companies) consists at the present time of 55,217 persons of all grades, and these are made up as follows:—

Salaried officers and clerks 6,770
Drivers, firemen, guards, breaksmen, and signalmen 8,298
Other servants working at weekly wages in the various departments  40,149
Total 55,217

About 22,000 of these persons are engaged in one way or another in connection with the working of the traffic, the remainder being clerks, artificers, labourers, etc. A certain percentage are boys in training in the various departments, and the total includes about 130 girls and women who are employed at the principal goods stations in the performance of certain duties in connection with the accounts department, for which they are found to be peculiarly suitable. This experiment was first tried some years ago, and being found to be fairly successful, both on the score of economy