Page:The Works of Alexander Pope (1717).djvu/75

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The dumb shall sing, the lame his crutch forego,
And leap exulting like the bounding Roe:
No sigh, no murmur the wide world shall hear,
From ev'ry face he wipes off ev'ry tear:
In [1]adamantine chains shall Death be bound,
And Hell's grim Tyrant feel th' eternal wound.
As the good [2]shepherd tends his fleecy care,
Seeks freshest pasture and the purest air,
Explores the lost, the wandring sheep directs,
By day o'ersees them, and by night protects;
The tender lambs he raises in his arms,
Feeds from his hand, and in his bosom warms;
Thus shall mankind his guardian care engage,
The promis'd [3]father of the future age.
No more [4]shall nation against nation rise,
Nor ardent warriors meet with hateful eyes,
Nor fields with gleaming steel be cover'd o'er,
The brazen trumpets kindle rage no more;
