Page:The Works of Alexander Pope (1717).djvu/77

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The steer and lion at one crib shall meet,
And harmless [1]serpents lick the pilgrim's feet.
The smiling infant in his hand shall take
The crested basilisk and speckled snake;
Pleas'd the green lustre of the scales survey,
And with their forky tongue and pointless sting shall play.
Rise, crown'd with light, imperial [2]Salem rise!
Exalt thy tow'ry head, and lift thy eyes!
See, a long [3]race thy spacious courts adorn;
See future sons, and daughters yet unborn,
In crouding ranks on ev'ry side arise,
Demanding life, impatient for the skies!
See barb'rous [4]nations at thy gates attend,
Walk in thy light, and in thy Temple bend;
See thy bright altars throng'd with prostrate Kings,
And heap'd with products of [5]Sabæan springs!
For thee Idume's spicy forests blow,
And seeds of gold in Ophyr's mountains glow.
