Page:The Works of Ben Jonson - Gifford - Volume 6.djvu/155

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And Puppy, see the bells ring. Press all noises[1]
Of Finsbury, in our name: Diogenes Scriben
Shall draw a score of warrants vor the business.
Does any wight perzent hir majesty's person,
This hundred, 'bove the high constable?

All. No, no.

Turfe. Use our authority then to the utmost on't.



A Room in justice Preamble's House.

Enter canon Hugh and justice Preamble.

Hugh. So you are sure, sir, to prevent them all,
And throw a block in the bridegroom's way, John Clay,
That he will hardly leap o'er.

Pre. I conceive you,
Sir Hugh; as if your rhetoric would say,
Whereas the father of her is a Turfe,
A very superficies of the earth;
He aims no higher than to match in clay,
And there hath pitch'd his rest.

Hugh. Right, justice Bramble;
You have the winding wit, compassing all.

Pre. Subtle sir Hugh, you now are in the wrong,
And err with the whole neighbourhood, I must tell you,
For you mistake my name. Justice Preamble
I write myself; which, with the ignorant clowns here,
Because of my profession of the law,
And place of the peace, is taken to be Bramble:

  1. Press all noises.] See vol. iii. p. 402.