Page:The Works of Ben Jonson - Gifford - Volume 6.djvu/160

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Pol. No, madam, he is gone.

Lady T. Gone! whither? Ask the porter where is he gone.

Pol. I met the porter, and have ask'd him for him;
He says, he let him forth an hour ago.

Lady T. An hour ago! what business could he have
So early; Where is his man, grave Basket-hilts,
His guide and governor?

Pol. Gone with his master.

Lady T. Is he gone too! O that same surly knave
Is his right-hand; and leads my son amiss.
He has carried him to some drinking match or other.
Pol Martin, I will call you so again,
I am friends with you now go, get your horse and ride
To all the towns about here, where his haunts are,
And cross the fields to meet, and bring me word;
He cannot be gone far, being a-foot.
Be curious to inquire him: and bid Wispe,
[Exit Pol.]My woman, come, and wait on me.
The love
We mothers bear our sons we have bought with pain,
Makes us oft view them with too careful eyes,
And overlook them with a jealous fear,
Out-fitting mothers.

Enter Dido Wispe.

Lady T. How now, Wispe! have you
A Valentine yet? I am taking the air to choose one.

Wispe. Fate send your ladyship a fit one then.

    simple interjection (of which neither Steevens nor Malone appears to have known the import) in the notes to Romeo and Juliet.