Page:The Works of Ben Jonson - Gifford - Volume 6.djvu/162

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Then all the court-wives I'd have jealous of me,
As all their husbands jealous too of them;[1]
And not a lawyer's puss of any quality,
But lick her lips for a snatch in the term-time.

Lady T. Come,
Let's walk; we'll hear the rest as we go on:
You are this morning in a good vein, Dido;
Would I could be as merry! My son's absence
Troubles me not a little, though I seek
These ways to put it off; which will not help:
Care that is entered once into the breast,
[Exeunt.Will have the whole possession ere it rest.


The fields near Pancras.

Enter, in procession, with ribands, rosemary and bay, Turfe, Clay, Medlay, Clench, To-Pan, Scriben, and Puppy with the bride-cake, as going to church.
Turfe. Zon Clay, cheer up, the better leg avore,
This is a veat is once done, and no more.

Clench. And then 'tis done vor ever, as they say.

Med. Right! vor a man has his hour, and a dog his day.

Turfe. True, neighbour Medlay, you are still

Med. I would be, master constable, if che could win.

  1. As all their husbands jealous of them.] I have inserted too, which helps out the measure, and makes the sentiment rather clearer than before. Whal.