Page:The Works of Ben Jonson - Gifford - Volume 6.djvu/172

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No, Hannibal has no breeding! well, I say little;
[Aside. But hitherto all goes well, pray it prove no better.

Awd. Come, father; I would we were married! I am a-cold.

Hilts. Well, master constable, this your fine groom here,
Bridegroom, or what groom else soe'er he be,
I charge him with the felony; and charge you
To carry him back forthwith to Paddington
Unto my captain, who stays my return there:
I am to go to the next justice of peace,
To get a warrant to raise hue and cry,
And bring him and his fellows all afore 'un.
Fare you well, sir, and look to 'un, I charge you
As you will answer it. Take heed; the business
If you defer, may prejudicial you
[Exit.More than you think for; zay I told you so.

Turfe. Here's a bride-ale indeed! ah zon John, zon Clay!
I little thought you would have proved a piece
Of such false metal.

Clay. Father, will you believe me?
Would I might never stir in my new shoes,
If ever I would do so voul a fact.

Turfe. Well, neighbours, I do charge you to assist me
With 'un to Paddington. Be he a true man, so!
The better for 'un. I will do mine office,
An he were my own begotten a thousand times.

Dame T. Why, do you hear, man? husband, master Turfe?
What shall my daughter do? Puppy, stay here.
[Exeunt all but Awdrey and Puppy. 

Awd. Mother, I'll go with you, and with my father.