Page:The Works of Ben Jonson - Gifford - Volume 6.djvu/202

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And flourished like to Hercules the porter[1]
Among the pages. But when they came on
Like hees about a hive, crows about carrion,
Flies about sweatmeats; nay, like watermen
About a fare: then was poor Metaphor
Glad to give up the honour of the day,
To quit his charge to them, and run away
To save his life, only to tell this news.

Hugh. How indirectly all things are fallen out!
I cannot choose but wonder what they were
Rescued your rival from the keep of Miles;
But most of all, I cannot well digest
The manner how our purpose came to Turfe.

Pre. Miles, I will see that all thy hurts be drest.
As for the 'squire's escape, it matters not,
We have by this means disappointed him;
And that was all the main I aimed at.
But canon Hugh, now muster up thy wits,
And call thy thoughts into the consistory;
Search all the secret corners of thy cap,
To find another quaint devised drift,
To disappoint her marriage with this Clay:
Do that, and I'll reward thee jovially.

Hugh. Well said, magister justice. If l fit you not
With such a new and well-laid stratagem,
As never yet your ears did hear a finer,
Call me with Lilly, Bos, Fur, Sus atque Sacerdos.

Pre. I hear there's comfort in thy words yet, Canon.
I'll trust thy regulars, and say no more.
[Exeunt Hugh and Pre. 

Met. I'll follow too. And if the dapper priest
Be but as cunning, point in his device,[2]

  1. Hercules the porter.] Sec p. 62.
  2. Be but as cunning, point in his device,] That is, be as exact and clever in his plot as I was in mine. See vol. iv. p. 169.