Page:The Works of Ben Jonson - Gifford - Volume 6.djvu/205

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And yet I cannot sussifie wild nature.
Would they were once dispatch'd, we might to dinner.
I am with child of a huge stomach, and long,
Till by some honest midwife-piece of beef
I be deliver'd of it: I must go now.
And hunt out for this Kilborn calf, John Clay,
[Exit.Whom where to find, I know not, nor which way.

Enter sir Hugh, disguised as a captain.

Hugh. Thus as a beggar in a king's disguise,
Or an old cross well sided with a may-pole,
Comes canon Hugh accoutred as you see,
Disguised, soldado-like. Mark his device:
The canon is that captain Thums was robb'd,
These bloody scars upon my face are wounds,
This scarf upon mine arm shews my late hurts,
And thus am I to gull the constable.
[Aside.Now have among you for a man at arms!
Friends, by your leave, which of you is one Turfe?

Turfe. Sir, I am Turfe, if you would speak with me.

Hugh. With thee, Turfe, if thou be'st high constable.

Turfe. I am both Turfe, sir, and high constable.

Hugh. Then, Turfe or Scurfe, high or low constable,
Know, I was once a captain at St. Quintin's,
And passing cross the ways over the country,
This morning, betwixt this and Hamstead-heath,
Was by a crew of clowns robb'd, bobb'd, and hurt.
No sooner had I got my wounds bound up,
But with much pain I went to the next justice,
One master Bramble, here at Maribone:
And here a warrant is, which he hath directed