Page:The Works of J. W. von Goethe, Volume 9.djvu/13

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Dedication 1
To the Kind Reader 5
Sound, Sweet Song 5
The Modern Amadis 6
When the Fox Dies His Skin Counts 7
The Coquette 8
The Wild Rose 8
The Breeze 9
Blindman's Buff 9
Christel 10
Smitten 11
Reservation 12
Resolve 13
Treasure Trove 13
The Muses' Son 14
Reciprocal Invitation to the Dance 15
Like and Like 16
Self-Deceit 16
Declaration of War 17
Lover in All Shapes 18
The Goldsmith's Apprentice 20
Answers in a Game of Questions 21
Different Emotions on the Same Spot 22
The Misanthrope 23
Different Threats 24
Who'll Buy Cupid? 24
True Enjoyment 26
Maiden Wishes 27
The Farewell 28
Motives 29
The Lovely Night 29
Love's Dream 30
Living Remembrance 30
The Bliss of Absence 31
To Luna 32
The Wedding Night 33
Mischievous Joy 34
November Song 34
To the Chosen One 35
First Loss 36
Apparent Death 36
After-Sensations 36
Presence 37
Separation 38
To the Distant One 38
By the River 39
The Exchange 39
Farewell 40
Welcome and Departure 40
New Love, New Life 41
To Belinda 42
With an Embroidered Ribbon 43
Second Life 44
To My Mistress 44
Flower-Salute 45
With a Golden Necklace 46
May Song 46
On the Lake 48
From the Mountain 49
May Song 49
Early Spring 50
In Summer 51
Autumn Feelings 51
Restless Love 52
The Shepherd's Lament 53
Night Song 54
Comfort in Tears 54
Longing 56
