Page:The Works of J. W. von Goethe, Volume 9.djvu/235

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[Written in a post-chaise.]

Hasten thee, Kronos!
On with clattering trot!
Down hill goeth thy path;
Loathsome dizziness ever,
When thou delayest, assails me.
Quick, rattle along,
Over stock and stone let thy trot
Into life straightway lead!

Now once more
Up the toilsome ascent
Hasten, panting for breath!
Up, then, nor idle be,—
Striving and hoping, up, up!

Wide, high, glorious the view
Gazing round upon life.
While from mount unto mount
Hovers the spirit eterne,
Life eternal foreboding.

Sideways a roof's pleasant shade
Attracts thee,
And a look that promises coolness
On the maidenly threshold.
There refresh thee! And, maiden,
Give me this foaming draught also,
Give me this health-laden look!

  1. In the original, Schwager, which has the twofold meaning of brother-in-law and postilion.