Page:The Works of J. W. von Goethe, Volume 9.djvu/375

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Do not repent, mine own love, that thou so soon didst surrender!
Trust me, I deem thee not bold! reverence only I feel.
Manifold workings the darts of Amor possess; some but scratching,
Yet, with insidious effect, poison the bosom for years.
Others mightily feathered, with fresh and newly-born sharpness.
Pierce to the innermost bone, kindle the blood into flame.
In the heroical times, when loved each god and each goddess,
Longing attended on sight; then with fruition was blessed.
Thinkest thou the goddess had long been thinking of love and its pleasures
When she, in Ida's retreats, owned to Anchises her flame?
Had but Luna delayed to kiss the beautiful sleeper,
Oh, by Aurora, ere long, he had in envy been roused!
Hero Leander espied at the noisy feast, and the lover
Hotly and nimbly, ere long, plunged in the night-covered flood.
Rhea Silvia, virgin princess, roamed near the Tiber,
Seeking there water to draw, when by the god she was seized.
Thus were the sons of Mars begotten! The twins did a she-wolf
Suckle and nurture,—and Rome called herself queen of the world.

Alexander, and Cassar, and Henry, and Frederick, the mighty.

On me would gladly bestow half of the glory they earned,