Page:The Works of J. W. von Goethe, Volume 9.djvu/394

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Burst ye your prison,
Rend ye each chain!
Songs of praise lead ye,—
Love to show, heed ye,—
Hungry ones feed ye,—
Preaching, on speed ye,—
Coming joys plead ye,—
Then is the Master near,
Then is He here!



Vanish, dark clouds on high,
Offspring of night!
Let a more radiant beam
Through the blue ether gleam,
Charming the sight!
Would the dark clouds on high
Melt into air!
Stars glimmer tenderly,
Planets more fair
Shed their soft light.
Spirits of heavenly birth,
Fairer than sons of earth,
Quiv'ring emotions true
Hover above;
Yearning affections, too,
In their train move.
See how the spirit band,
By the soft breezes fanned,
Covers the smiling land,—
Covers the leafy grove,
Where happy lovers rove,

Deep in a dream of love,