Page:The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero) - Volume 2.djvu/339

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And the sweet fragrance that the wild flower yields, Shall be the incense I will yield to Thee, Thee only, God! and Thou shalt not despise Even me, the priest of this poor sacrifice."

Poetical Works, 1893, p. 190.]


The sky is changed!—and such a change! Oh Night!

Stanza xcii. line 1.

The thunder-storm to which these lines refer occurred on the 13th of June, 1816, at midnight. I have seen, among the Acroceraunian mountains of Chimari, several more terrible, but none more beautiful.


And Sun-set into rose-hues sees them wrought.

Stanza xcix. line 5.

Rousseau's Héloïse, Lettre 17, Part IV., note. "Ces montagnes sont si hautes, qu'une demi-heure après le soleil couché, leurs sommets sont éclairés de ses rayons, dont le rouge forme sur ces cimes blanches une belle couleur de rose, qu'on aperçoit de fort loin."[1] This applies more particularly to the heights over Meillerie.—"J'allai à Vévay loger à la Clef;[2] et pendant deux jours que j'y restai sans voir personne,

  1. [Julie, ou La Nouvelle Héloïse: Œuvres Complètes de J. J. Rousseau, Paris, 1837, ii. 262.]
  2. [The Clef, is now a café on the Grande Place, and still distinguished by the sign of the Key. But Vevey had other associations for Rousseau, more powerful and more persuasive than a solitary visit to an inn. "Madame Warens," says General Read, "possessed a charming country resort midway between Vevey and Chillon, just above the beautiful village of Clarens. It was situated at the Bassets, amid scenery whose exquisite features inspired some of the fine imagery of Rousseau. It is now called the Bassets de Pury.... The exterior of the older parts has not been changed.... The stairway leads to a large salon, whose windows command a view of Meillerie, St. Gingolph, and Bouveret, beyond the lake. Communicating with this salon is a large dining-room.

    "These two rooms open to the east, upon a broad terrace.