Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 12.djvu/21

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you not to forget me, for I can never cease to love and esteem you, being ever your most affectionate and obliged humble servant,


LONDON, DEC. 11, 1718.

FOR SO I had called you before, were it not for a certain reverence I pay to deans. I find you wish both me and yourself to live to be old and rich. The second goes in course along with the first; but you cannot give seven (that is the tithe of seventy) good reasons for either. Glad at my heart should I be, if Dr. Helsham[1] or I could do you any good. My service to Dr. Helsham; he does not want my advice in the case. I. have done good lately to a patient and a friend in that complaint of a vertigo, by cinnabar of antimony and castor, made up into boluses with confect. of alkermes. I had no great opinion of the cinnabar; but trying it amongst other things, my friend found good of this prescription. I had tried the castor alone before, not with so much success. Small quantities of tinctura sacra, now and then, will do you good. There are twenty lords, I believe, would send you horses, if they knew how. One or two have offered to me, who, I believe,

  1. Of whom see some pleasantries, in the poetical part of this collection, in vol. VIII.
