Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 12.djvu/296

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BATH, JULY 6, 1728.

THE last news I have heard of you, was from Mr. Lancelot, who was at this place with lord Sussex, who gave me hopes of seeing you the latter end of this summer. I wish you may keep that resolution, and take the Bath in your way to town. You, in all probability, will find here some, or most of those you like to see. Dr. Arbuthnot wrote to me to day from Tunbridge, where he is now for the recovery of his health, having had several relapses of a fever: he tells me that he is much better, and that in August he intends to come hither. Mr. Congreve and I often talk of you, and wish you health and every good thing; but often, out of self-interest, we wish you with us. In five or six days, I set out upon an excursion to Herefordshire, to lady Scudamore's, but shall return here the beginning of August. I wish you could meet me at Gutheridge. The Bath did not agree with lady Bolingbroke, and she went from here much worse than she came. Since she went to Dawley, by her own inclination, without the advice of physicians, she has taken to a milk diet, and she hath writ me an account of prodigious good effects both in the recovery of her appetite and spirits. The weather is extremely hot, the place is very empty, I have an inclination to study, but the heat makes it impossible. The duke of Bolton[1] I hear has run away with Polly

  1. Who afterward married miss Fenton.
