Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 13.djvu/383

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the marks of that original genius and universal beneficence which compose your character. I cannot send you in return, any such valuable compositions of mine; but you will receive, by the first ships that go for Ireland, my History of the Mareschal de Turenne, the greatest French hero that ever was. I shall be glad to know your opinion of the performance.

I am, with the greatest respect, veneration, and friendship, dear sir, your most humble, and most obedient servant,

Pray allow me to assure Mr. Sican of my most humble respects.
If you have any commands for me in this country, or for any of your friends, pray direct for me, under a cover. À son Altesse Monseigneur le compte d'Évreux, général de la cavallerie à Paris.


DEC. 6, 1737.

I RECEIVED a letter from you at Cirencester, full of life and spirits, which gave me singular satisfaction; but those complaints you make of the deplorable state of Ireland, made me reflect upon the condition of England, and I am inclined to think it

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