was secretary Johnstoun, to whom he pretended friendship, till the very morning he gave him a blow; though he had been worming him out of the king's favour for many months before; he is a fat, sanguine complexioned fair man, always smiling where he designs most mischief; a good friend, when he is sincere; turned of 50 years old. A true character; but not strong enough by a fiftieth part.
He is a very good manager in his private affairs, which were in disorder when his father died; and is a staunch countryman, fair complexioned, low stature, and 30 years old. He is crooked; he seemed to be a gentleman of good sense and good nature.
A gentleman of a fair estate in Scotland, attended with the improvement of a good education. He has written some excellent tracts, but not published in his name; and has a very fine genius; is a low thin man, brown complexion, full of fire, with a stern, sour look, and 50 years old. A most arrogant, conceited pedant in politicks, cannot endure the least contradiction in any of his visions or paradoxes.
He was against the violent measures of king James's reign; and, for that reason, made no great figure at court while that prince was upon the throne; yet he continued firm to his majesty's interest to the last; was proof against all the offers made him by king William; and after being frequently im-