Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 19.djvu/320

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Oct. 6. To sir William Temple, xix. 1.
April 9. To miss Waryng, xviii. 243.
. . . . . . To Mrs. Jane Swift, xi. 8.
Jan. 13. To Mr. Windar, xix. 3.
May 26. From Mrs. Jane Swift, to Mr. Deane Swift, xi. 9.
July 16. To archbishop King, 10.
Dec. 16. To Dr. Tisdall, 11.
Feb. 3. To the same, 13.
April 20. To the same, 17.
May 4. To miss Waryng, i. 278.
Dec. 31 To archbishop King, xix. 7.
. . . . . . From Charles, earl of Berkeley, xviii. 249.
Feb. 5. To archbishop King, xi. 20.
12. To the same, xix. 9.
29. From Mr. Addison, xi. 22.
April 15 To Dr. Sterne, xi. 23.
June . . To the same, 25.
10. To archbishop King, 26.
Sept. 16 From Mr. Henley, 31.
Nov. 2. From the same, 33.
From the same, ibid.
9. To archbishop King, 39.
20. From archbishop King, 42.
30. To primate Marsh, 45.
To Dr. Sterne, 47.
Jan. 6. To archbishop King, xi. 49.
12. To Mr. Hunter, 53.
Feb. 10. From archbishop King, 56.
12. M. Le Clerc to Mr. Addison, 60. xiii. 456.
Mar. 12. From archbishop King, xi. 61.
22. To Mr. Hunter, 63.
24. To Private Marsh, 67.
26. To the same, ibid.
April 22. From Mr. Addison, 71.
June 25. From the same, 71.
. . . . . . From the same, 72.
Oct. 6. From Charles, earl of Halifax, i. 107.
8. From Mr. Steele, 73.
. . . . . . To the earl of Pembroke, xvi. 244.
April 11. From Mr. Addison, xi. 74.
17. To Dr. Sterne, 76.
June 10. From Mr. Addison, xviiii. 250.
27. From sir Andrew Fountaine, xi. 77.
29. To Mr. Tooke, 78.
July 10. From Mr. Tooke, 80.
23. From Mr. Addison, 81.
Aug. 31. Irish bishops to the bishops of Ossory and Killaloe, 82.
Sept. 2. To Stella, xiv. 193.
9. To the same, 195.
To the same, 198.
To archbishop King, xi. 83.
16. From archbishop King, 87.
21. To Stella, xiv. 206.
26. To Dr. Sterne, xi. 89.
30. To Stella, xiv. 213.
Oct. 7. Memorial to Mr. Harley, xi. 91.
