Treat. Wherein the greatest consists, xiii. 315. The treats made in Ireland as much prejudice to them as most of their follies, 316.
Tresilian (lord chief justice). Character of him, viii. 137.
Trimnel (bishop). Motion for the publication of his 30th of January sermon thrown out, xv. 251.
Trinity. Sermon on the, x. 19. When and why the term was invented, 20. If the mystery of it, or some other mysteries of our religion, were revealed to us, we should, without faculties superiour to those we at present enjoy, be unable to comprehend them, 27. No miracle mentioned in scripture, which is not as much contrary to reason as this doctrine, 27. The authors who have written particularly against the docrine of it proceed wholly upon a mistake, 30.
Trout. One of an enormous size, xviii. 343.
Truth. Fiction has a great advantage over it, ii. 170.
Tuscany (grand duke of). Customary for him to send presents of wine to the English ministry, xv. 22.
Tutors. The entertaining those of the French nation in noble families a pernicious custom, v. 128.
Two and Two, do not always make four, ix. 347.
Tyranny. The sense of the word in the most ancient Greek authors, ii. 294.
Vacuum. How the dispute among the philosophers concerning it may be determined, v. 6.
Vales. First abolished by Mr. Mathew, i. 396.
Vanhomrigh (miss). Account of her connexion with Dr. Swift, i. 295. xix. 227. In August 1711, talks of going to Ireland, to get her fortune into her own hands, xv. 109. Reminds Dr. Swift of a maxim once observed by him, xi. 426. Her pathetick expostulatory letter to him, 429. Complimented by Dr. Swift,
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