Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 2.djvu/11

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AN Advertisement in the first volume has, in some degree, explained the nature of the present edition. This Preface shall give the history of those which have preceded it.

The earliest regular edition was in twelve volumes, 8vo, 1755 (reprinted in 1767), under the respectable name of the late Dr. John Hawkesworth, who thus introduces them:

"The Works of Dr. Jonathan Swift were written and published at very distant periods of his life, and had passed through many editions before they were collected into volumes, or distinguished from the productions of cotemporary wits, with whom he was known to associate.

"The Tale of a Tub, the Battle of the Books, and the Fragment, were first published together in 1704; and the Apology, and the notes from Wotton, were added in 1710; this edition the Dean revised a short time before his understanding was impaired, and his corrections[1] will be found in this impression.

"Gulliver's Travels were first printed in the year 1726, with some alterations which had been made

  1. From a corrected copy then in the hands of the late Deane Swift, esq.
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