Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 2.djvu/46

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cuously. Like should be confined to similitude, Likely to probability.

No-ways nowise

"No-ways is a vulgar corruption from nowise, and yet has got into general use, even among our best writers. The terminating wise signifies manner; as likewise in like manner otherwise in a different manner. It should be always written nowise, in no manner.

From whence whence.

"The preposition from in the use of this phrase, is for the most part redundant, as it is generally included in the word whence. Thus whence come you? signifies from what place come you? Whence it follows from which it follows.

No not.

"The particle no is often substituted in the place of not; as I care not whether you believe me or no To show the absurdity of this, it will be only necessary to add the words after no which are understood as thus I care not whether you believe me, or no believe me instead of do not believe me. The adverbs no and yes, are particles expressive of the simple dissent or assent of the speaker, and can never be connected with any following word; and we might with as much propriety say I care not whether you do not believe me or yes as make use of its opposite no in that manner. This vulgarism has taken its rise from the same cause before-mentioned, the similarity of sound between no and not.

Never so ever so

"This is a strange solecism in language. Never so, signifies not ever so. Let us substitute the one for
