Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 3.djvu/100

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N° 23.

nothing less than infallible ruin and slavery to the state.

After I had finished this paper, the printer sent me two small pamphlets, called "The Management of the War;" written with some plausibility, much artifice, and abundance of misrepresentations, as well as direct falsehoods in point of fact. These I have thought worth examining, which I shall accordingly do, when I find an opportunity.


THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1710-11.

Parva momenta in spem metumque impellunt animos.

The meerest trifles influence the human mind, and impel it to hope or fear.

HOPES are natural to most men, especially to sanguine complexions; and among the various changes that happen in the course of public affairs, they are seldom without some grounds. Even in desperate cases, where it is impossible they should have any foundation, they are often affected to keep a countenance, and make an enemy think we have some resource, which they know nothing of. This appears to have been for several months past the condition of those people, whom I am forced, for
