Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 7.djvu/109

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And, if the crosier could be cramm'd in,
A fig for Lechmere, King, and Hambden!
You'll then defy the strongest whig
With both his hands to bend a twig;
Though with united strength they all pull,
From Somers, down to Craggs and Walpole.


LESBIA for ever on me rails,
To talk of me she never fails.
Now, hang me but for all her art,
I find, that I have gain'd her heart.
My proof is this: I plainly see,
The case is just the same with me;
I curse her every hour sincerely,
Yet, hang me but I love her dearly.

  1. Lesbia mî dicit semper male; nec tacet unquam
    De me. Lesbia me, dispeream, nisi amat.
    Quo signo? quia sunt totidem mea: deprecor illam
    Assiduè; verum, dispeream, nisi amo.
Vol. VII.