Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 7.djvu/11

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Dean Swift at Sir Arthur Acheson's 377
On a very old Glass at Market Hill 378
Dr. Swift's Answer ib.
On cutting down the old Thorn at Market-hill 379
My Lady's Lamentation and Complaint 382
A Pastoral Dialogue between Dermot and Sheelah 386
On the Five Ladies at Sot's-hole 389
The Five Ladies Answer 391
The Beau's Reply 392
The Journal of a modern Lady 393
A Dialogue between mad Mullinix and Timothy 402
Tim and the Fables 410
Tom Mullinix and Dick 411
Dick, a Maggot 413
Clad all in Brown ib.
Dick's Variety 415
Dr. Swift to himself, on St Cecilia's Day 416
On Paddy's Character of the Intelligencer 417
Parody on a Character of Dean Smedley 418
Paulus; an Epigram. By Mr. Lindsay 420
The Answer 421
A Dialogue between an eminent Lawyer and Dr. Swift 425
On burning a dull Poem 427
An Epistle to Lord Carteret, by Dr. Delany 428
An Epistle upon an Epistle, from a certain Doctor to a certain Great Lord 432