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VIII. On seeing Verses written upon Windows at Inns.
THE sage, who said he should be proud
Of windows in his breast,
Because he ne'er a thought allow'd
That might not be confest;
His window scrawl'd by every rake,
His breast again would cover;
And fairly bid the Devil take
The diamond and the lover.
IX. Another.
BY Satan taught, all conjurers know
Your mistress in a glass to show,
And you can do as much:
In this the Devil and you agree:
None e'er made verses worse than he,
And thine I swear are such.
X. Another.
THAT love is the Devil, I'll prove when requir’d;
Those rhymers abundantly show it:
They swear that they all by love are inspir'd,
And the Devil's a damnable poet.