Page:The World's Famous Orations Volume 10.djvu/115

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ever interest them like the stories that he told. And yet how profound he was ; how he puzzled the wise men ; how the scribes and the Pharisees could never fathom him ! Oh, do you not think he was a wonderful preacher?

If you want to find out what a man is nowadays, you inquire about him from those who know him best. I do not wish to be partial ; we will go to his enemies, and to his friends. We will ask them. What think ye of Christ? We will ask his friends and his enemies.

First, among the witnesses, let us call upon the Pharisees. We know how they hated him. Let us put a few questions to them. "Come, Pharisees, tell us what you have against the Son of God. What do you think of Christ?" Hear what they say! "This man receiveth sinners." What an argument to bring against him ! Why, it is the very thing that makes us love him. It is the glory of the gospel. He receives sinners. If he had not, what would have become of us? Have you nothing more to bring against him than this? Why, it is one of the greatest compliments that was ever paid him. Once more: "When he was hanging on the tree, you had this to say of him, 'He saved others, but he could not save himself and save us, too.' " So he laid down his own life for yours and mine. Yes, Pharisees, you have told the truth for once in your lives ! He saved others. He died for others. He was a ransom for many; so it is quite true