Page:The World's Famous Orations Volume 7.djvu/46

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I have been yonder in the camp, which is like being in hell. Do not ever allow yourself to desire to be a great lord, for such men never have an hour of true peace and happiness.

Moreover, do you not think it a piece of good news that God has lifted the cloud from over you and has sent it over others? But you say: "It is we who have caused it to move on." This is just what I told you that you would say, attributing all to your own prudence. But I tell you now that your prayers have been the wind which has driven away this cloud. It is the hand of God which has done it all. "But we want to know more, Father. You have been to the king. Have you nothing to tell us?" Nay, I was not your ambassador. I had no commission from the Signiory or from the Ten, tho I was asked to go by some friends. So, not having been sent by you, I have no occasion to report to you the results of my embassy. I have reported it to Him who sent me. But I will tell you this: I went, and I sowed good seed, which in its time will sprout and grow, and you shall gather the harvest and shall eat. "Oh, Father, this is a parable; we want plain words." Well, then, I will explain it. I went on your behalf and out of the love which I bear to you. Do you think I would risk my life were I not certain of the truth of the things which I tell you?

I went to his majesty and I told him certain things which if he shall do it will be well with him—well for his soul and for his kingdom and