Page:The World's Famous Orations Volume 9.djvu/22

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THE WORLD'S FAMOUS ORATIONS perience, there can be no doubt that it has never yet produced any injurious effect on in- dividual or national character. Look through the whole history of the country from the com- mencement of the Revolution down to the pres- ent hour; where are there to be found brighter examples of intellectual and moral greatness than have been exhibited by the sons of the South? From the Father of his Country down to the distinguished chieftain who has been ele- vated by a grateful people to the highest office in their gift/ the interval is filled up by a long line of orators, of statesmen, and of heroes, justly entitled to rank among the ornaments of their country, and the benefactors of mankind. Look at 'Hhe Old Dominion," great and magnani- mous Virginia, *' whose jewels are her sons/' Is there any State in this Union which has con- tributed so much to the honor and welfare of the country? Sir, I will yield the whole ques- tion — I will aclvQOwledge the fatal effects of slavery upon character, if any one can say that for noble disinterestedness, ardent love of coun- try, exalted virtue, and a pure and holy devo- tion to liberty, the people of the Southern States have ever been surpassed by any in the world. The senator from Massachusetts tells us that the tariff is not an Eastern measure, and treats it as if the East had no interest in it. The sen- ator from Missouri insists it is not a Western J Andrew Jackson. 12