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G | G-77 | Group of 77 |
. . . | Group of Eight | |
GATT | General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (UN) | |
GCC | Gulf Cooperation Council | |
I | IADB | Inter-American Defense Board |
IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency (UN) | |
IATP | International Association of Tungsten Producers | |
IBA | International Bauxite Association | |
IBEC | International Bank for Economic Cooperation | |
IBRD | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank. UN) | |
ICAC | International Cotton Advisory Committee | |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization (UN) | |
ICCO | International Cocoa Organization | |
ICEM | Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration | |
ICES | International Cooperation in Ocean Exploration | |
ICJ | International Court of Justice (UN) | |
ICO | International Coffee Organization | |
IDA | International Development Association (IBRD affiliate, UN) | |
IDB | Inter-American Development Bank | |
IDB | Islamic Development Bank | |
IEA | International Energy Agency (associated with OECD) | |
IFAD | International Fund for Agricultural Development (UN) | |
IFC | International Finance Corporation (IBRD affiliate, UN) | |
IHO | International Hydrographic Organization | |
ILO | International Labor Organization (UN) | |
ILZSG | International Lead and Zinc Study Group | |
IMF | International Monetary Fund (UN) | |
IMO | International Maritime Organization (UN) | |
INRO | International Natural Rubber Organization | |
INTELSAT | International Telecommunications Satellite Organization | |
INTERPOL | International Criminal Police Organization | |
IOOC | International Olive Oil Council | |
IPU | Inter-Parliamentary Union | |
IRC | International Rice Council | |
ISO | International Sugar Organization | |
ITC | International Tin Council | |
ITU | International Telecommunication Union (UN) | |
IWC | International Whaling Commission | |
IWC | International Wheat Council | |
L | . . . | Lake Chad Basin Commission |
LAIA | Latin American Integration Association | |
M | . . . | Mano River Commission |
. . . | Mekong Committee | |
N | . . . | Niger River Commission |
NAM | Nonaligned Movement | |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization | |
. . . | Nordic Council |