409; possibility of rescuing, 441; rescued, 493
- Cardiff, Wales, i
- Castle Rock, xxxv, 152, 185, 434
- Cephalodiscus rarus, 569
- Challenger Expedition, xxviii, 568
- Cherry-Garrard, Apsley, functions, 2; on Winter Journey, 233 seq.; Beardmore Glacier Journey, 351 seq.; journey with dogs, 416 seq.; illness, 427; work on penguins, 559
- Christmas Day celebration, 1911, 373
- Clissold, Thomas, 309, 383, 429
- Cloudmaker, 356, 359, 382
- Colbeck, Cape, 129
- Cook, Captain James, Antarctic explorations, xviii, xix, xx, xxi
- Corner Camp, 112, 122, 135, 166, 306, 468, 473
- Crater Heights, 98, 162
- Crean, Thomas, Depôt Journey, 104 seq.; Beardmore Glacier Journey, 351 seq.; Plateau Journey, 368 seq.; snow-blindness, 385; journey for help, 406; duties, 438; on search journey, 472
- Crozier, Capt., xxix
- Crozier, Cape, discovery, xxiii, xl, 252, 558
- Darwin, Mt., 366, 388
- David, Professor, xlvii
- Davies, Francis, 92
- Day, Bernard C, 310, 383, 429
- Debenham, Frank, 217, 309, 437, 438, 465, 472, 557
- Dellbridge Islands, 169
- De Long, G. W., xxix
- Derrick Point, 98
- Dickason, Harry, liv, Iviii, 557
- Diet, Cook's precautions, xviii; experiments on Winter Journey, 256; importance of good cooking, 330; effects of unsuitability, 552
- Dimitri (dog boy), 104, 310, 323, 404, 419, 420, 428, 467
- Disaster Camp, 160
- Discovery, Mt., 151, 186
- Discovery Expedition, 1 901-1904, xxxiii seq., 456
- Discovery hut, 97, 185
- Dogs, on Scott's first expedition, xxxvi; on board ship, 49; effect of blizzards, 113; ponies as food for, 339; successful use, 353; rate of return, 383; new batch, 410; hospital, 437; behaviour in camp, 440; accommodation, 450; diet, 452; disease among, 453; behaviour while driving, 469
- Dolphins, observations on, 37
- Dominion Range, 362, 370
- Drake, Frank, 3, 97, 565
- Drygalski Ice Tongue, Iviii
- Dunedin, N.Z., 48
- Dunlop Island, 307
- D'Urville, Dumont, xxii
- Emperor Penguin. See Penguin, Emperor
- Enderby, Messrs., xxi
- Equator, crossing of, 10
- Erebus, Mt., discovery, xxiii; first glimpse of, 81; activity, 184; ascent of, 557
- Erebus, the, xxii, xxix
- Eskers, the, 432
- Evans, Lieut. Edward, functions, 2; character, 4; on Depôt Journey, 104 seq.; lectures, 217; Beardmore Glacier Journey, 351 seq.; Plateau Journey, 368 seq.; snow-blindness, 391; symptoms of scurvy, 393; illness, 399; sent home, 423; returns on Terra Nova, 565
- , Seaman Edgar, on Discovery Expedition, xxxix; as Neptune, 10; trip to Western Mountains, 306 seq.; Beardmore Glacier Journey, 351 seq.; Plateau Journey, 368 seq.; accident to hand, 378; journey to Pole, 496 seq.; return from Pole, 511 seq.; death, 528
- Evans, Cape, xlviii, 86, 96, 181, 317, 434, 444, 447, 493, 502
- Coves, l, liii, 409, 569
- Fahrt, 458
- Ferrar Glacier, xxxviii
- Fire, outbreaks of, 462
- Fodder Depôt, 109
- Forde, Robert, 104, 306, 429
- Forster, Mr., xx
- Fram, the, xxix seq., xlviii, 46, 133
- Franklin, Sir John, xxix
- Franklin Island, 557, 570
- Franz Josef Land, xxxii
- Funchal, Madeira, 3
- Gap, the, 98
- Gateway, the, 339, 351
- Geelmuyden, Professor, xxxi
- Glacier Tongue, 152, 185, 430, 449
- Gran, Tryggve, 4, 104 seq., 429, 434, 438, 447. 472, 558, 567
- Granite Harbour, Iviii, 409, 567
- Pillars, 393
- Great Razorback Island, 169, 186
- Greely, A. W., xxix, xxx
- Haig, Sir Douglas, Scott's letter to, 410
- Halley, Edmund, 11