Page:The Young Auctioneers.djvu/320

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In less than half an hour Andy reached the garret room, and Matt told his partner his story. Andy was introduced to Mr. Lincoln as a friend who could be trusted in all things, and although the weak-minded man was suspicious of all strangers, he made no demonstration against his son's companion.

"I wish to take him to some quiet place, where he can have the best of medical attention," said Matt to Andy. "Do you think you can find such a place? I do not dare to leave him yet."

"I will do my best," returned Andy.

He went off in search of the right place, and in an hour came back, accompanied by a pleasant man fifty or sixty years of age, whom he introduced as Dr. Zabrinsky.

"The doctor will take your father into his own home," he said. "He has two patients suffering from mental troubles and makes a specialty of such things. He will do his best."