Page:The Young Auctioneers.djvu/38

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"If I had a turnout I would travel all over the United States, stopping a week here and a week there. How old are you?"


"I am twenty-one. Do you live with your parents?"

"No, I am alone here."

"So am I. I used to live in Chicago before all my folks died. I like your appearance. What is your name?"

Matt told him, and also gave Andrew Dilks a brief bit of his history. The auctioneer listened with interest, and then told a number of things concerning himself. He had been with Caleb Gulligan four years. He had been sick several times, but, nevertheless, had managed to save a hundred and thirty-five dollars."

"I've got seventy-five dollars saved, part of which I got from other brokers than Mr. Fenton, for running errands, and so forth," said Matt. "That and your money would make two hundred and ten dollars. Couldn't we start out on that?"

"We might," replied Andrew Dilks reflectively. "You are on your way to work now, are you not?"

"Yes, and I ought to be at the office this minute!" cried Matt, with a start. "Mr. Fenton will be