Vitality of the sheath of the Hydroidae,
205 ; Nature of the axis of Gorgo-
nia verrucosa, 276Anthrocera Loti, 331; Black redstart, 355
Alligators in East Florida, 41 ; Lepi-
dopterous insects, 109, 197; Capture of Stauropus Fagi, 199; Capture of
Claviger foveolatus, 200Bats at Epping, 6 ; Tree sparrow, 11;
Arrival of summer birds at Epping, 12, 222 ; Capture of Polia occulta, 30 ; Red-backed shrike, grey shrike and haw-finch, 40 ; Sphinx Ligustri and Smerinthus ocellatus, 175; Cap- ture of Nocture with sugar, 201 ; Capture of Lophopteryx carmelita and Ceratopacha octogesima, 201 ; Names of British moths, 332 ; Cor- rection of inaccurate statements on
the wood wren, 356Bat flying by daylight, 6 ; Anecdote
of a mole, 7 ; Capture of moths on grass, 64 ; Hybernating butterflies, 176 ; Capture of Stauropus Fagi, 199; Occurrence of Colias Edusa in Surrey, 331 ; Occurrence of Colias Hyale in Kent, 331 ; Cerura Vinu- la,332; Cucullia Asteris, 333; Acro- nycta Ligustri, 333 ; Appearance of moths during rain, 334 ; Blighted appearance of oaks, 337 ; Capture
of Trichius variabilis in Surrey, 340Late departure of the swift, 77 ; Oc- currence of the Cassian heron, 78
Gold-fish emitting vegetable fibres from a wound in its back, 84
Notes on various birds, 238 ; Nests of birds, 380
Deilephila Galii, 31 ; Acherontia Atro-
pos, 31 ; Lepidopterous insects cap- tured at Manchester, 112 ; Capture of Colias Philodice, 175; Capture of Nyssia hispidaria, 175; Emperor moth, 199; Capture of Heliothis ar- migera, 260 ; Saturnia Pavonia-mi-
nor and Lasiocampa Rubi, 260Capture of the sea eagle in Shetland, 36 ; Northern diver, 365
Occurrence of Echinodermata in Nor- thumberland, 275
Capture of Lithosia muscerda in Nor-
folk, 260 ; Capture of moths on sal- lows, 333 ; Capture of moths on ivy,
333Occurrence of the bones of a beaver, and of a wild boar near Ely, 348
Occurrence of the Avocet near Yar-
mouth, 148 ; Occurrence of rare birds near Yarmouth, 180 ; Voraci- ty of the gull tribe, 248 ; Arrival of summer birds of passage at Yar- mouth, 248 ; Departure of winter birds of passage from Yarmouth, 248; Hooded crow breeding in Nor- folk, 315; Pigmy curlew and dun- lin, 316; occurrence of the buff- breasted sandpiper at Yarmouth, 363; Changes in the plumage of the
honey buzzard, 375Capture of Colias Hyale and Argynnis
Lathonia, 30 ; Occurrence of the peacock butterfly in December, 64 ; Capture of rare British Lepidoptera near Lavenham, 1 72 ; Seasons of appearance of Polyommatus Argio-
lus in Suffolk, 258Electric centipede, 160
Effect of a mild winter on birds near
Kendal, 183; Notes on the habits of
the masked gull in confinement, 242Description of several species of the genus Phyllium, 117
Animals which force other animals to form a house for their protection, 202
Occurrence of the black redstart near
Penzance, 100; Occurrence of the squacco heron near Penzance, 143 ; Occurrence of Richard's pipit in
Cornwall, 190Capture of Rhinomacer attelaboides,
272 ; Capture of Coleopterous in-
sects near Edinburgh, 340Occurrence of the red-winged Icterus
near Norwich, 317 ; Occurrence of
red-legged hobby nr. Norwich, 350