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Page:The Zoologist, 1st series, vol 1 (1843).djvu/20

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Couch, R.Q.
Vitality of the sheath of the Hydroidae,

205 ; Nature of the axis of Gorgo-

nia verrucosa, 276
Dawson, Rev. J.F.
Anthrocera Loti, 331; Black redstart, 355
Doubleday, Edward, F.L.S.
Alligators in East Florida, 41 ; Lepi-

dopterous insects, 109, 197; Capture of Stauropus Fagi, 199; Capture of

Claviger foveolatus, 200
Doubleday, Henry
Bats at Epping, 6 ; Tree sparrow, 11;

Arrival of summer birds at Epping, 12, 222 ; Capture of Polia occulta, 30 ; Red-backed shrike, grey shrike and haw-finch, 40 ; Sphinx Ligustri and Smerinthus ocellatus, 175; Cap- ture of Nocture with sugar, 201 ; Capture of Lophopteryx carmelita and Ceratopacha octogesima, 201 ; Names of British moths, 332 ; Cor- rection of inaccurate statements on

the wood wren, 356
Douglas, J.W.
Bat flying by daylight, 6 ; Anecdote

of a mole, 7 ; Capture of moths on grass, 64 ; Hybernating butterflies, 176 ; Capture of Stauropus Fagi, 199; Occurrence of Colias Edusa in Surrey, 331 ; Occurrence of Colias Hyale in Kent, 331 ; Cerura Vinu- la,332; Cucullia Asteris, 333; Acro- nycta Ligustri, 333 ; Appearance of moths during rain, 334 ; Blighted appearance of oaks, 337 ; Capture

of Trichius variabilis in Surrey, 340
Dowell, E.W.
Late departure of the swift, 77 ; Oc- currence of the Cassian heron, 78
Drummond, Jas. L., M.D.
Gold-fish emitting vegetable fibres from a wound in its back, 84
Duncan, Robert Dick
Notes on various birds, 238 ; Nests of birds, 380
Edleston, R.S.
Deilephila Galii, 31 ; Acherontia Atro-

pos, 31 ; Lepidopterous insects cap- tured at Manchester, 112 ; Capture of Colias Philodice, 175; Capture of Nyssia hispidaria, 175; Emperor moth, 199; Capture of Heliothis ar- migera, 260 ; Saturnia Pavonia-mi-

nor and Lasiocampa Rubi, 260
Edmonston, Thos. jun.
Capture of the sea eagle in Shetland, 36 ; Northern diver, 365
Embleton, Robert
Occurrence of Echinodermata in Nor- thumberland, 275
Farr, Henry F.
Capture of Lithosia muscerda in Nor-

folk, 260 ; Capture of moths on sal- lows, 333 ; Capture of moths on ivy,

Fisher, Marshall
Occurrence of the bones of a beaver, and of a wild boar near Ely, 348
Fisher, W.R.
Occurrence of the Avocet near Yar-

mouth, 148 ; Occurrence of rare birds near Yarmouth, 180 ; Voraci- ty of the gull tribe, 248 ; Arrival of summer birds of passage at Yar- mouth, 248 ; Departure of winter birds of passage from Yarmouth, 248; Hooded crow breeding in Nor- folk, 315; Pigmy curlew and dun- lin, 316; occurrence of the buff- breasted sandpiper at Yarmouth, 363; Changes in the plumage of the

honey buzzard, 375
Gaze, W.
Capture of Colias Hyale and Argynnis

Lathonia, 30 ; Occurrence of the peacock butterfly in December, 64 ; Capture of rare British Lepidoptera near Lavenham, 1 72 ; Seasons of appearance of Polyommatus Argio-

lus in Suffolk, 258
Gosse, P.H.
Electric centipede, 160
Gough, Thomas
Effect of a mild winter on birds near

Kendal, 183; Notes on the habits of

the masked gull in confinement, 242
Gray, George Robert
Description of several species of the genus Phyllium, 117
Gray, John Edward, F.R.S.
Animals which force other animals to form a house for their protection, 202
Greenwood, Alfred
Occurrence of the black redstart near

Penzance, 100; Occurrence of the squacco heron near Penzance, 143 ; Occurrence of Richard's pipit in

Cornwall, 190
Greville, R. Northmore
Capture of Rhinomacer attelaboides,

272 ; Capture of Coleopterous in-

sects near Edinburgh, 340
Gurney, J.H.
Occurrence of the red-winged Icterus

near Norwich, 317 ; Occurrence of

red-legged hobby nr. Norwich, 350