Leptocircus Meges, 111
Leptocircus„ Curius, 111
Mammoth, Siberian, 1
Marsupial bats, 129
Mice, harvest, and their nest, 289
Muller's top-knot, 106
Muller's„ top-knot,„ (5 figures), 107
Oithona splendens, 60
Oithona„ plumifera, 60
Phyllium bilobatum, 120
Phyllium„ (9 figures), 121
Polypes (11 figures), 206
Psychopsis mimica, 125
Pterychthys, or winged fish, 47
Redshank, 233
Richard's pipit, tail-feather of, 181
Sea-bream, Couch's, 81
Sloth, gigantic, 281
Thymara Zaida, 197
Titmouse, curious nest of (4 figures), 309
Wasps (6 figures), 162
Wasps„ (3 figures), 167
Wasps„ (3 figures), 168
Wasps„ (3 figures), 169
Wasps„ (1 figure), 170
Whale, fin-backed, 33
Should 'The Zoologist' meet with encouragement, it will be continued both as a monthly and an annual publication. As a monthly, it will contain thirty-two pages of letter-press, occasionally accompanied with illustrations engraved in wood ; will be on sale three days before the end of every month ; and will be charged one shilling. As an annual, it will be sold on or about the 1st of December ; will contain twelve monthly numbers, bound and lettered uniformly with the present volume ; and will be charged thirteen shillings. An alphabetical list of contents will be published once in the year : this will be arranged in three divisions, the first to comprise the names of contributors, with the titles of their contributions ; the second of subjects ; and the third of illustrations : for this list no charge will be made. In order to avoid confusion, it is intended to page the work continuously from its commencement to its completion, and the binder is directed to place on the back of each volume, the pages it contains.