until the complete extrication was concluded, a space of from one and a half to two minutes elapsed.
There is literally but little exaggeration in the concluding sentence of the quotation from 'the Edinburgh.' If not "covered" with the "filmy skins of the gay Ephemerae," I had at least several scores, if not hundreds, attached to me; many of them so firmly, that they still hung on when I reached home, having walked a mile, and part of the way through a plantation.
June 16.—I was by the Whitadder. There were clouds of the same insect, but not so dense as on the previous evening.
June 17.—By the Tweed. Not one to be seen.
June 18.—By the Whitadder; but not out so late. Two or three only. And on dates subsequent to this, a few seen occasionally.
Hulton, Berwick-on-Tweed,
July 1, 1843.
Note on the occurrence of Echinodermata in Northumberland.[1]
Comatula rosacea. I obtained one speci- | Solaster endica. Common. |
men in the summer of 1841, from | papposa. Common. |
deep water in Embleton bay: it is, | Goniaster equestris. I obtained a beautiful |
as far as I know, the only specimen | specimen last summer, which is now |
obtained on the east coast, and is now | in my possession; it was taken in |
in my possession. | the bay, about eight miles south of |
Ophiura texturata. Frequent. | Embleton. It answers so complete |
albida. Not uncommon. | ly, both as to size and markings, to |
Ophiocoma neglecta. Rare. | the description in Mr. Forbes's beau |
granulata. Common. | tiful work, that any one would be- |
bellis. Ditto. | lieve it had been taken from my spe- |
Goodsiri. A specimen of this | cimen. |
species I extracted from a mass of | Asterias aurantiaca. Common. |
corallines and stones from deep wa- | Luidia fragillissima. Rare. |
ter in Embleton bay, in 1842; it ad- | Echinus sphæra. Very common. |
hered to the lines employed in deep- | Echinocyamus pusillus. Frequent. |
sea fishing for ling, halibut &c. | Spatangus purpureus. Very rare on this |
rosula. Common. | coast, the only specimen I have seen |
Uraster rubens. Common. | being the one now in my possession, |
violacea. Less common. | and obtained last year. |
Amphidotus cordatus. Very plentiful. |
— Robert Embleton; Embleton, February 27, 1843.
- ↑ Communicated by Professor Edward Forbes.
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