description of that author would equally well suit either of the species. It, however, fortunately happens that the species selected by Mr. Kirby, and also by St. Fargeau, are distinct from the Linnean species succincta, and marginata, although the description of the latter author would also be equally applicable to all.
Genus. — Colletes, Latreille, St. Fargeau, Curtis.
Apis, Linnaeus. Melitta, Kirby. Evodia, Panzer. Andrena, Fabricius.
Generic characters. Ocelli placed in a curve : tongue short, bilobed at the apex; labial palpi 4-jointed; maxillary palpi 6-jointed: wings with three complete submarginal cells.
Sp. 1. Colletes succincta, Latreille.
Female. — (Length 5 — 5½ lines). Black, the clypeus naked, roughly punctured, the punctures uniting and forming striae towards the apex, the rest of the face clothed with pale fulvous pubescence, and the cheeks with white; the apical joint of the antennae piceous beneath. The thorax above clothed with fulvous hair, beneath, as well as all the coxae and femora, with white ; the pubescence on the tibiae and tarsi is very pale ochraceous. The abdomen is convex and shining, the first segment is very closely and finely punctured, and its margin rufo-piceous, the remaining segments are also closely but more delicately punctate, the first segment is pubescent at the base, the pu- bescence forming lateral patches, the second segment has a white fas- cia both on its basal and apical margins ; the apical margins of the rest have a white marginal fascia ; the segments beneath have also a white marginal fascia.
Male. — (Length 3½ — 4½ lines.) Black, the face below the anten- nae clothed with pale fulvous hair, the cheeks with white ; the pubes- cence on the thorax is fulvous above, paler on the sides, and nearly white beneath ; that on the femora is of the same colour, the thin clothing on the tibiae and tarsi is pale fulvous. Abdomen oblong, convex, and shining, the first segment deeply and closely punctate, the rest more finely so ; all the segments have entire white marginal fasciae.
This species most closely resembles C. fodiens, but may be distin- guished by the rufo-piceous margin of the first abdominal segment, by the abdomen being very smooth and shining, delicately punctured,