griseous hair ; antennæ nigro-piceous beneath, mandibles black, ocelli placed in a curve. Thorax closely and deeply punctured, slightly clothed above with brownish hair, and with paler beneath ; the posterior tibiae densely clothed with white hair, slightly stained with brown at their apex, first joint of posterior tarsi clothed with black hair ; the remaining joints, as well as the whole of those of the anterior and intermediate tarsi, rufous beneath. Abdomen globose, very smooth and shining, the third and fourth segments have a white marginal fascia, the first interrupted, the fifth segment has a brown fascia.
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Macropis labiata. a. Male. b. Female, c. Face of the Male. d. Anterior leg of Female.
Male. — (Length 4 lines). Black, antennae nearly as long as the
head and thorax, scape with a yellow spot at the apex beneath, the re-
maining joints testaceous beneath ; mandibles black, with a yellow
spot at the base, face below the antennae yellow. The thorax has a
thin fulvous pubescence above, and a thickish fringe round the apical
margin of the scutellum ; the metathorax, laterally, has a rather dense
pale pubescence ; the legs beneath have a thin scattered bright ful-
vous pubescence ; the anterior and intermediate tarsi above, are
clothed with bright pale fulvous hair ; all the claws rufous ; the pos-
terior femora and tibiae incrassate, the latter clothed with a short pale
fulvous pubescence, the tarsi beneath, with bright fulvous ; the abdo-
men globose very shining, rather deeply punctured, the margin of the
third segment has an interrupted pale fulvous fascia, the three follow-
ing have an entire fascia.