I may also mention, in addition to the Coleoptera recorded in the 'Entomologist' (Entom.223), I have since met with Choragus Sheppardi, Nedyus setiger, Gymnaetron Beccabungae, Syncalypta maritima, and Claviger foveolatus in nests of Fomaica nigra as well as flava.—S. Stevens; 38, King Street, Covent Garden, March 6th, 1846.
Note on the capture of Lepidopterous Insects at Black Parle, Bucks. — In the 'Zoolo- gist' (Zool. 804), I have given a list of the productions of this interesting place up to September, 1844 ; this last season has produced a few more rarities which perhaps are worth recording in your pages, making the entomology of the place more complete, and showing to your readers the richness of the locality.
Colias Edusa. September, 1844.
Hipparchia Mgeria. Abundant in meadows adjoining the Park, in July.
Acherontia Atropos. Larvæ.
Chaonia Roboris. Larvæ, August, off oak.
Peridea serrata. Larvæ, August, feeding on oak.
Orgyia gonostigma. Larvæ, October, young.
Nemeophila Plantaginis. End of June.
Triphana fimbria. End of July, sugar.
Agrotis Agathina, Graphiphora albimacula of Stephens. September, on Heath, one specimen.
Orthosia populeti, Orthosia munda, Orthosia sparsa, Achatia piniperda, Xylina semibrunnea. On sallow blossoms, in April.
Xylina Lambda. October, sugar.
Calocampa exoleta. On sallow blossoms, April.
Xylophasia sublustris. One at sugar, early in July.
Hadena genista. May, sugar.
Hadena lythoriza. Trunks of trees, April.
Ceropacha diluta. Sugar, August.
Xanthia aurago. Sugar, October.
Xanthia croceago. Sugar, October.
Acosimetia arcuosa. Flying, July.
Himera pennaria. Flying, October.
Geometra lunaria. Larvæ, beat out of a fir.
Geometra delunaria. July.
Ellopia fasciaria. June.
Boarmia tetragonaria. April.
Boarmia abietaria. April.
Larentia multistrigaria. Abundant on trunks of trees, April.
Triphosia cervinaia. April.
Lobophora viretata. June, rare.
Eupithecia togata. See 'Zoologist' (Zool. 1086).
Bapta punctata. June.
Nola Monachalis. Sugar, July.
Nola stringulalis. Bred, May.
Chlœphora prasinana. At rest on a blade of grass adjoining the Park, early in July.
Chlœphora Fagana. Larvae, common, September and October.
Lozotænia cinnamomeana. End of June, out of fir-trees.
Lozotænia cruciana. End of June, ofi" sallows.