Tufted Duck, Fuligula cristata. This species is more common than the last, but occurs at similar seasons.
Long-tailed Duck, Fuligula glacialis. The immature birds are not uncommon towards the end of autumn and in the winter, and adult specimens occasionally occur in severe weather.
Harlequin Duck, Fuligula histrionica. Mentioned by the Messrs. Paget to have been bought in Yarmouth market by Mr. Wigg. An adult male, said to have been killed near Yarmouth is in the Norwich Museum.
Golden Eye, Fuligula clangula. The immature birds are quite common in winter, but adult specimens only occur in severe weather. This species is called at Yarmouth "rattle-wings," the tufted duck being there known as the golden eye.
Buffel-headed Duck, Fuligula albeola. An adult male bird, killed near Yarmouth is in the possession of Mr. Miller. Tt is said by Mr. Lubbock, on the authority'of the late Mr. Girdlestone, (1828) that "this species is known to the Yarmouth gunners as the 'little rattle- wing'; that it is the hardiest species of fowl known on the coast, re- maining at sea when all others are driven southward by stress of weather."
Smew, Mergus albellus. The smew, in its immature plumage, is not uncommon in winter and early spring ; but the adult bird is more rare.
Hooded Merganser, Mergus cucullatus. A specimen was killed at Yarmouth in the winter of 1829.
Red-breasted Merganser, Mergus serrator. Occurs in winter, generally in severe weather ; but the immature specimens are much more common than the adult.
Goosander, Mergus merganser. The immature bird is of frequent occurrence in winter, being only met with in the adult state in very severe weather.
Great Crested Grebe, Podiceps cristatus. Common, breeding on most of the broads which it fi'equents throughout the year, unless those waters become frozen ; when it leaves them and retires to the coast and running streams.
Red-necked Grebe, Podiceps rubricollis. A regular and common visitant in early spring and late in the autumn ; at the former season it occasionally happens that a pair of these birds remain, and nest in the county.
Sclavonian Grebe, Podiceps cornutus. This is also a regular and common visitant to Norfolk, at the same seasons as the preceding