Common Guillemot, Uria troile. Common on the coast, except during the breeding season. A few formerly bred on the cliffs at Hunstanton, but have now nearly, or perhaps, entirely ceased to do so.
Little Auk, Mergulus alle. Occasionally procured on the coast in autumn and winter, but is extremely uncertain in its appearance. It appeared on the coast in great numbers in the month of October, 1841. (Zool. 182).
Puffin, Fratercula arctica. Occasional in autumn.
Razor-bill, Alca torda. The young are of common, and the adult birds of occasional occurrence on the coast at all times of the year, except during the breeding season.
Common Cormorant, Phalacrocorax carbo. Common in the neighbourhood of the broads, especially in autumn; formerly, according to Sir T. Browne, "building at Reedham, upon trees, from whence King Charles the First was wont to be supplied." Since that time, they have been known to build near Fritton decoy in Suffolk, taking possession for that purpose, of part of a rookery.
Shag, Phalacrocorax graculus. Occasionally met with; the speci- mens, which chiefly occur in autumn, being mostly immature.
Gannet, Sula alba. Not uncommon in autumn, following and preying upon the shoals of fish which pass along the coast at that season. It is also sometimes taken in spring. The following is worth extracting from Sir T. Browne's 'Account of Norfolk Birds': "An onocrotalus, or pelican, shot upon Horsey Fen, May 22nd, 1663, which stuffed and cleansed, 1 yet retain. It was three yards and a half between the extremities of the wings ; the chowle and beak answering the usual description ; the extremities of the wings for a span deep brown ; the rest of the body white ; a fowl which none could remember upon this coast. About the same time I heard one of the king's pelicans was lost at St. James's ; perhaps this might be the same."
Caspian Tern, Sterna Caspia. Has occurred several times both in adult and immature plumage.
Sandwich Tern, Sterna Boysii. Sometimes occurs on the coast in early spring and autumn.
Roseate Tern, Sterna Dougallii. This species is mentioned by the Messrs. Paget as having been met with at Yarmouth.
Common Tern, Sterna hirundo. Very common in spring, summer, and autumn ; and breeds at Salthouse, and some other shingly parts of the coast.
Arctic Tern, Sterna arctica. The arctic tern is not uncommon in