Capture of Lepidoptera at Keswick. — June 8th to 10th.
Callisto Fyeslella. Common, among rushes.
Argyrosetia semifasciella. Three, beat out of nut-bushes.
Glyphipteryx subcuprella. Of this I fell in with a swarm, near the base of Skid- dau, flying among brambles and dock plants, and secured nearly the whole of them.
Pyrausta cingulalis. One, heather, flying.
Adela De Geerella. One, flying among oaks. — Id.
Capture of Lepidoptera in Scotland, near Kilmun.—June ISth to 17 th.
Hipparchia Polydama. Common among grass and heather, on the top of the hill. - Militcea Selene. Common, on the hill-sides.
Ernmelesia blandiata. One, heather, flying.
Anthrocera filipendula. Common, among the heather.
Euthemonia Russula. Common, flying among fern.
Hepialus Velleda. Common, among the heather.
Spilonota Pflugiana. Three, among bushes.
Semasia fulvana. Four, among rushes.
Sericoris quadrimaculana. One, among grass.
Platypteryx cultraria. One, flying, among bushes.
Thyatira Batis. Nine, at sugar.
Acronycta Rumicis, Common, sugar.
Hadena gemina. Ditto.
H. adusta. Ditto.
H. plebeia. Ditto.
Agrotis suffusa. Two, ditto.
Euplexia lucipara. Common, sugar. — Id.
Notes of the capture of Lepidoptera in the vicinity of Leives.
Deilephila lineata. A male at rest in a turnip-leaf, in a garden at Upper Bed- dingham, near Firle, March 1st. A female at rest in a garden at South Mailing, Lewes, April 7th.
Crambus cerusellus. Sweeping on the Downs, June 20th.
Ino GlobularicB. Sweeping on the Downs, June 21st and 22nd.
Pterophorus tetradactylus. Ditto ditto.
Hemithea vemaria. Flying at dusk, June 2 1 st to 29th.
Harpalyce galiata. Flying at dusk, June 23rd to 28th.
Anticlea rubidata. Ditto ditto.
Xylophasia sublustris. Sugar, June. 23rd to 29th.
Synaphe angustalis. Sweeping the Downs, June 24th.
Harpalyce sylvaticata. Flying at dusk, June 24th to 29th.
Acronycta ligustri. Sugar, July 25th and 27th.
Acosmetia arcuosa. Flying at dusk, July 1st.
Nudaria mundana. Ditto June 1st to 7th.
Pericallia syringaria. Ditto, June 4th.
Ceratopacha duplaris. Ditto, ditto.
Pterophorus lithoxylodactylus. Ditto, June 7th.
Of Xylophasia sublustris I have duplicates, which I shall be happy to send to any gentlemen who may desiderate them. — P. Jenner Weir ; 17, Grosvenor Park North, Camberwell.