Sp. 2. Panurgus calcaeatus.
Apis calcaratus, Scopoli. Andrena lobata, Panzer.
Apis ursina, var. β. Kirby, female. Apis Linneella, Kirby, male.
Female. — Length 3 — 4 lines. Black, shining, thinly clothed with black pubescence; the antennæ beneath, and the apical joints entirely rufo-piceous, tips of the mandibles ferruginous ; thorax, wings hyaline ; the anterior and intermediate tibia and tarsi thinly, and the posterior densely clothed with fulvous hair, the calcaria and apical joint of the tarsi ferruginous ; the margins of the abdominal segments depressed, the apex tufted with brown hair.
Male. — Length 3 — 3¼ lines. Black, shining, with a thin black pu- bescence ; head large, wider than the thorax, sometimes half as wide again ; antennae rufous, with the base black, tips of the mandibles fer- ruginous; thorax, tegulae piceous, wings hyaline, nervures rufo-piceous; the legs nigro-piceous, the posterior femora clavate, with a stout ob- tuse tooth beneath ; the margins of the abdominal segments depressed, the apical segments are tufted laterally with brown hair, the apex bi- lobed.
Panurgus calcaratus I have met with at Charlton, also at Darent in Kent, plentiful at Weybridge, and on several heaths in Hamp- shire ; they frequent different species of dandelion (Leontodon). Their burrows are from six to eight inches deep, generally con- structed in a firm sandy soil: it is very partial to a hard trodden pathway. They store up a mass of pollen and honey similar to the Andrenidæ.
Genus. — Anthidium, Fabricius, St. Fargeau.
Apis, Linnæus, Kirby.Trachusa, Jurine.
Antennæ filiform: mandibles with four or five teeth : maxillary palpi 1 -jointed, labial palpi 4-jointed, the two apical joints minute: fore- wings with two complete sub-marginal cells. There is but one British species known.
Sp. 1. Anthidium manicatum.
Female. — Length 4 — 5½ lines. Black, punctate ; mandibles yel- low, black at their tips ; the face below the antennae yellow, with the base and centre of the clypeus black ; the labrum denticulate, a yel- low spot on the vertex above the eye ; the thorax has a pale yellow pubescence at the sides, becoming nearly white on the metathorax and beneath, a yellow spot on the tubercles and tegulæ; the legs have