known of this species being taken by this means. — H.J. Harding; 1, York Street, Church Street, Shoreditch, October 6th, 1846.
Note on the capture of Emmelesia Blomeri at Chenies. — I was so fortunate as to catch, on the evenings of the 10th, 12th, 16th, and 19th of June last, five specimens of Emmelesia Blomeri, Curtis, pulchraria of Duponchel, and continental cabinets. With the exception of one, they are all in a tolerably fine and perfect condition. This rare and very local species, was confined entirely to a small, open space near the edge of a wood. A friend also, captured two or three additional specimens at the same place. — I. Taylor, Jun.; Stanford Rivers, Essex.
Occurrence of Cynæda dentalis at Lewes. — A pair of this insect were captured by Mr. James B. Ellman, of Battle, on the morning of the 3rd of July last, whilst col- lecting in my company on the Clifi" Hills, near Lewes. Both specimens are now in my collection, and are, I imagine, a portion of a first brood of the insect, as I have seen three more, in the possession of Mr. J. Jenner Weir, which were taken on the same ground about the middle of last month, and which, from their fine condition, favour the supposition, that the moth is double-brooded. — W. Thomson, Jun.; 6, Loudoun Place, North Brixton, October 7th, 1846.
Occurrence of Peroneæ or Buttons in Hainault Forest. — I beg to hand you a list of Peroneæ captured by myself in Hainault Forest, between the 15th of August to the 27th of September ; I obtained them by beating the hawthorn and hornbean, in shady places:—
Peronea profanana | Peronea fulvovittana |
„ semiustana | „ Bentleyana |
„ striana | „ fulvostriana |
„ substriana | „ cristalana |
„ brunneana | „ subcristalana |
„ spadiceana | „ subvittana |
„ vittana | „ insulana |
„ consimilana | „ cristana |
„ Desfontainiana | „ Chantana |
„ fulvocristana | „ alboflammana. |
„ albo vittana |
William Hindley; 3, Kirk's Row, Rhoad's Well Road, Limehouse, Sept. 29th, 1846.
Occurrence of Peroneæ or Buttons at Hainault Forest. — This pleasing and interest- ing genus has occurred rather plentifully this season at Hainault Forest : every known species has been taken, together with numerous varieties, which some few years back would have been made into new species. From the numerous varieties I have seen this season, connecting, as they certainly do, one species with another, I am certain that there are but three, or at most four species among the Button tribe. I have a number of duplicates that I should be most happy to exchange with any of my brothers of the net who may be in want of them. — H.J. Harding; 1, York Street, Church Street, Shoreditch.
Occurence of Macrocnema marcida near Yarm. — I beg to mention, as a proof of the advantage which your very useful ' Zoologist ' confers, that on reading Mr. Wol- laston's observations on the occurrence of Macrocnema marcida on Cakile maritima, I searched that plant last week, and found the insect in numbers for the first time. — G.T. Rudd; Worsall Grange, Yarm, October 6th, 1846.