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Page:The Zoologist, 1st series, vol 4 (1846).djvu/56

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Eupæcilia angustana, July, Chat Moss, heath, in great abundance

Orthotænia subsequana, August, Saddleworth Moors, heath, rare

Ablabia quadripunctana, August, Saddleworth Moors, heath, abundant

Apamea nictitans, August, Cheethara Hill, ragwort-flowers, abundant

Gortyna micacea, August, Cheetham Hill, ragwort-flowers, abundant

Caradrina cubicularis, August, Cheetham Hill, ragwort-flowers, abundant

Miana literosa, August, Cheetham Hill, ragwort-flowel's, scarce

Agrotis fumosa, (black variety) August, Cheetham Hill, ragwort-flowers, scarce

——— valligera, August, New Brighton, ragwort-flowers, abundant

——— aquilina, August, New Brighton, ragwort-flowers, abundant

——— cursoria, August, New Brighton, ragwort-flowers, scarce

Actebia præcox, August, New Brighton, ragwort-flowers, scarce

Miana humeralis, August, New Brighton, ragwort-flowers, scarce

Heliophobus popularis, September, New Brighton, gi-ass, scarce

Scopula sticticalis, September, New Brighton, grass, very rare

Steganoptycha triquetrana, September, New Brighton, grass, very rare

Phibalapteryx lineolata, September, New Brighton, grass, very rare

Hama testacea, September, Cheetham Hill, hedges, in great abundance

Lithomia solidaginis, September, Brushes, stone-walls, in great abundance

Polia Chi, September, Brushes, stone- walls, scarce

Oporabia filigrammaria, variety, September, Brushes, stone-walls, scarce

Charæas graminis, September, Saddleworth Moors, ragwort-flowers, abundant

Celæna Haworthii, September, Saddleworth Moors, ragwort-flowers, scarce

Caradrina glareosa, September, Brushes, stone-walls, rare

Cidaria latentaria, September, Brushes, stone-walls, rare

Pyrophila tragopoginis, September, Withington, sugar, scarce.

My friend, Mr. John Thomas captured a female specimen of Ægeria Spheciformis, hovering over "Sweet Gale" in Lord Francis Egerton's wood on Chat Moss, the 6th of July. In varieties the following species have fallen to my lot, Euthemonia Russula, male, brilliant specimen, the ear-shaped stigma on superior wings of a fiery scarlet, instead of dark red and brown, a female specimen occurred on the same day with the head and jaws of the caterpillar firmly attached to the thorax in place of the usual appendages, in other respects the insect is quite perfect. Hyria auroraria, in southern counties, assumes the form of colouring so beautifully figured by Mr. Curtis, but this is a rare variety in this part, the majority of specimens being entirely pink with a faint yellow stigma : I took a specimen this season in fine condition, one of the superior wings from the base to the middle being drab, and the remainder pink. Vanessa Atalanta, has been abundant for the last two years, I have met with but a single variety out of some thousand specimens, and this is a male with a very narrow transverse orange band on the superior wings interrupted with black, into five divisions. Hipparchia Hyperanthus is exceedingly variable in the number and form of the ocelli, I captured a male without ocelli. Hipparchia Davus occurred in abundance this season : a beau- tiful illustration of the effects of draining as regards this species, occurs on Chat Moss ; part of the Moss where this insect is found has been cross-drained for three years, specimens taken in this part have decreased considerably in size, are darker specimens, and have larger ocelli. Agrotis aquilina : although pretty well accustomed to varieties, this is the most variable insect I am acquainted with, the size, colour, markings, and

form of the wings arc dissimilar; it is almyst impossible to meet with two specimens