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Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 1 (1897).djvu/11

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Alderson, H.
Wonderful egg-producing powers of the Wryneck, 511
Aplin, O.V., F.L.S., M.B.O.U.
The autumn song of birds, 410; Nesting of the Great Northern and Black-throated Divers in Shetland, 425; Stridulation of Cicadidæ and Orthoptera, 432
Bankes, A.
Egg-producing powers of the common Redshank, 575
Barrington, R.M., LL.D., F.L.S.
Mealy Redpoll off coast of Kerry, 513; Supposed occurrence of a Great Spotted Cuckoo in Co. Kerry, 574
Bartlett, Edward
Obituary notice of Abraham Dee Bartlett, 267
Baylis, E.
Honey Buzzard in Staffordshire, 232
Bean, Tarleton H., M.D.
A gigantic Lobster, 276
Bird, Rev. M.C.H., M.A.
Ornithological folk-lore, 144
Bonhote, J. Lewis
Breeding of Corncrakes in confinement, 35
Brabrook, E.W., C.B., F.S.A.
Man in Zoology, 13
Bradshaw, George W.
Rare birds at Hastings, 86; Swallow-tailed Kite in Suffolk, 363; Common Roller in Sussex, 469
Brown, J.A. Harvie, F.R.S.E.
The migration of birds, 505
Burr, Malcolm, F.Z.S.
The stridulation of Orthoptera, 516
Butler, A.G., Ph.D., F.L.S., F.Z.S.
Flight of the Swift, 36; Foreign Finches in confinement, 251; Inherited instinct in birds, 275; Change of Plumage in the American Nonpareil Finch, 335; Inherited habit in birds, 367
Butler, Lieut.-Col. E.A.
Honey Buzzard in Suffolk, 425
Butterfield, W.C.J. Ruskin
The Serotine near Hastings, 141; Bank Vole in Jersey, 141; Swallow-tailed Kite in Suffolk, 270; Occurrence of the Blackheaded Bunting in Sussex, 273; "The seasonal changes in the Common Squirrel," 424; Hypolais polyglotta in Sussex, 513
Buttress, Bernard A.E.
A list of birds observed in Shetland, May and June, 1897, 360; Black-throated Diver breeding in Shetland, 364; Curlew laying five eggs, 364; Nesting of the Great Northern and Blackthroated Divers in Shetland, 509
Calvert, R.U.
Spotted Flycatcher's nest constructed in nest of Hawfinch, 426; Proximity of Magpie's and Wood Pigeon's nests, 427; Sparrowhawk nesting in Thorn tree, 508; Nesting of the Great Plover, 511; Do Cuckoos suck eggs? 513
Chapman, Frank M.
Mammals of Trinidad, 424
Clarke, W.J.
Little Auks and Little Gulls at Scarborough, 166; Red-legged Partridge migrating, 166; Notes from Scarborough, 578
Clarke, W.G.
Stone Curlews as observed around Thetford, 248; Curious nests and nesting sites observed near Thetford, 449; The inland breeding of the Ringed Plover in Norfolk and Suffolk, 502