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Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 1 (1897).djvu/13

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Frohawk, F.W., M.B.O.U.
Lesser Grey Shrike (Lanius minor) in Kent, 427
Godfrey, Robert
Willow Wren singing in autumn, 513; Hours at which some birds sing, 576
Grabham, Oxley, M.A.
Vultures and the Tower of Silence, 143; Birds feeding on the larvæ of the Magpie-moth, 236; Blackbird stealing eggs, 330; Frog attacked by Weasel, and Toad by Hedgehog, 369; Taxidermy—de omnibus rebus, 412; Eggs of the Roseate Tern, 510; Dermestes lardarius eating specimens of moths, 521; Trapping Shrews and Voles, 571; Egg-producing powers of the Dipper, 575
Gurney, J.H., F.L.S., F.Z.S.
Ornithological record for Norfolk for 1896, 121; Cuckoos sucking eggs, 568
Gyngell, W.
Common Swift roosting in tree, 468
Haigh, G.H. Caton
Grey Seal in Carnarvonshire, 141; Common Rorqual on Lincolnshire coast, 142; Alpine Pipit in Carnarvonshire, 366
Hammond, W. Oxenden
Alleged nesting of Montagu's Harrier in Kent, 363; Note on flight of Green Sandpiper, 573
Harting, J.E., F.L.S., F.Z.S.
Dogs of draught in Belgium, 33
Headley, Alec Goldney
Distribution of worm-eating Slugs, 89
Horsbrugh, Charles Bethune
Hedgesparrow appropriating a Thrush's nest, 427; "Kentish Crow," 428; Local name of the Sheldrake, 508; Popular fallacy concerning the Cuckoo, 512
Kelsall, Rev. J.E.
Aquatic Warbler in Hampshire, 471; Smooth Snake in the New Forest, 475
Kermode, P.M.C.
Large Holibut at Isle of Man, 235; The Porbeagle in Manx waters, 579
Langdale, Rev. H. Marmaduke,
Hawfinches in West Sussex, 365; Quails in Sussex, 366; Strange pairing of Butterflies, 521; Heron choked by a Frog, 572
Lewis, A.L., F.C.A.
Neolithic life in Devon and Cornwall, 49; Peculiar nesting habit of the House Sparrow, 273
Lewis, Stanley
Black-winged Stilt in Somerset, 511
Lubbock, Sir John, Bart., M.P., F.R.S.
On the preservation of our indigenous fauna and flora, 264
McLachlan, R., F.R.S.
A second brood of Starlings, 334
Macpherson, Rev. H.A., M.A.
Eared Grebe in Cumberland, 83; The Germon in British waters, 580
Marshall, Guy A.K., F.E.S.
Stridulation of Cicadidae in Mashunuland, 517
Martin, Basil W.
Birds seen in the Yukon District of Canada, 430
Mason, Philip B., Dr., F.L.S.
Strange discovery of a Tit's nest, 167
Mathew, Rev. Murray A., M.A.
Icterine Warbler at Lyme Regis, 332; Garden lists of birds, 417
Meiklejohn, A.H.
Toad attacked by a Weasel, 339; Summer appearance of Wild Geese in Fifeshire, 363
Morley, John
Golden Eagle in Ross-shire, 425
Murie, Dr. James, F.L.S., F.Z.S. Our Economic Sea-fishes, 389
Newstead, R., F.E.S.
On the position of the Lesser Horseshoe-Bat (Rhinolphus hipposideros, Bechst.) during hibernation, 537
Nicholson, F.G.
Egg of South African Golden Cuckoo in nest of Cape Wagtail, 142
Norgate, Frank
Human bones at Bromehill, 164
Nunn, H.
Occurrence of a rare Plover (Charadrius dominicus) on the River Thames, 330
Oldham, Charles
Daubenton's Bat on the Derbyshire and Staffordshire border, 326; Bank Vole in Denbighshire, 328; Scaup inland in Lancashire, 62 329; Night Heron in Derbyshire, 329; Black Tern in Anglesea, 329; Black-throated Diver in Derbyshire, 426; Lesser Shrew in Devon, 467